The Nine Noble Virtues

  1. COURAGE: Boldness, bravery, standing up for what you believe in and know is right.

  2. HONESTY: Truth - In all things be trĂș to yourself and to others.

  3. HONOR: Do as you say and act upon your convictions. "Always" honor your oaths!

  4. TROTH: Loyalty to yourself, family, folk, friends and the Gods & Goddesses.

  5. STRENGTH: Self rule, self mastery, the self control and discipline to govern yourself by your convictions.

  6. HOSPITALITY: To freely share your gifts with others.

  7. INDUSTRIOUSNESS: To work wholeheartedly both hard and intelligently. To keep thinking and growing as a person.

  8. SELF RELIANCE: Free standing. Rely on others as little as possible!

  9. PERSEVERANCE: Don't give up at what you do until you feel it is completed and done well.

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